Hybrid Cloud

Shape the future of your business with our hybrid cloud solutions that combine the endless possibilities of local power and the cloud.

What is Hybrid Cloud?

It is a dynamic information model combining the local infrastructures and cloud services of businesses. This cloud computing model, also known as multi-cloud, combines the private and public cloud, allowing data and applications to be used in both. This approach lets you optimize your business processes and build a future-proof infrastructure by bringing together offering flexibility, scalability, and security.
While keeping your local data safe, you can also take the speed and innovation benefits of the cloud.

Features and Benefits

Microsoft SabancıDx Collaboration

As SabancıDx, we cooperate strategically with Microsoft in the field of cloud technologies.
SabancıDx, as Microsoft’s Direct Cloud Solution Provider (Direct CSP), designs and installs artificial intelligence and hybrid cloud architecture infrastructure.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered Hybrid Cloud Solution Center

Solutions designed to meet the needs of companies are studied and experienced in the "Solution Center", which focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) supported hybrid cloud solutions.

Microsoft SabancıDx Collaboration

As SabancıDx, we cooperate strategically with Microsoft in the field of cloud technologies.
SabancıDx, as Microsoft’s Direct Cloud Solution Provider (Direct CSP), designs and installs artificial intelligence and hybrid cloud architecture infrastructure.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered Hybrid Cloud Solution Center

Solutions designed to meet the needs of companies are studied and experienced in the "Solution Center", which focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) supported hybrid cloud solutions.

Cloud Solution Models

Basic Infrastructure Presentation

IAAS provides virtual machines, storage, networking, and other essential infrastructure resources for the users. Users can scale and manage this basic infrastructure according to their needs.

Virtual Machine Service

IAAS provides virtual machines for the users, giving them the flexibility to virtualize and scale their workloads. Virtual machines let the users install their operating systems and run their applications.

Storage and Network Services

IAAS provides users with extensive storage capacity and network infrastructure. It provides the necessary resources for storing, managing, and transmitting data over the network.

Scalability and Flexibility

IAAS offers the ability to scale workloads dynamically. Users can increase or decrease resources according to their demands, which provides cost-effectiveness and flexibility.

Backup and Security

IAAS provides users with backup and security features. Features such as protection against data loss, firewalls, and encryption provide a secure infrastructure to its users.

Own Operating System Control

Users can install and manage their own operating systems on IAAS. This provides ample control for the customization of applications and services.

Payment Model

IAAS usually adopts pay-as-you-go or pay-per-use models. Users pay for the resources they use, which encourages cost-effective use.

Application Development Environment

PAAS offers a development environment and service platform to application developers. Application development, testing, and distribution processes are managed on PAAS.

Software and Hardware Infrastructure Abstraction

Abstracting the software and hardware infrastructure, PAAS allows developers to focus on application development only. The PAAS provider manages the infrastructure details.

Automated Scalability

With its automated scalability features, PAAS enables applications to be scaled dynamically according to demands. This ensures expansion during high performance and demand.

Database and Middleware Services

PAAS provides users with database management and middleware services. This gives developers access to the databases and middleware they will use in their applications.

Rapid Deployment and Update

PAAS accelerates application deployment processes and manages update processes. Developers can deploy app updates easily and quickly.

Multi-Tenant Architecture

PAAS supports multi-tenant architecture and backs simultaneously different customers sharing the same infrastructure. This ensures optimizing cost-effectiveness and resource utilization.

Ease of Integration

PAAS provides ease of integration to bring different services and components together. Easy integration with external resources and services allows developers to leverage various resources.

Pricing Model

PAAS usually offers a pricing model depending on the resources used. Developers only pay for the services they use.

Application Service

SAAS provides software for users, as an application service. Users usually access and use the app via a web browser.

Cloud-Based Service

SAAS is a pure cloud-based service model. Users access apps over the internet and can work from anywhere.

Update and Maintenance

SAAS providers manage application updates and maintenance. Users always have the advantage of using the latest version.

Subscription-Based Pricing

SAAS usually uses a subscription-based pricing model. Users pay a subscription fee for a certain period.

Multi-User and Multi-Tenant

SAAS has a multi-user structure and generally supports multi-tenant architecture. Different customers can use the same app.

Data Security and Encryption

SAAS providers often offer services, including security measures, data encryption, and access control. Users hold providers responsible for the security of their data.

Ease of Access

SAAS can usually be accessed over any device and internet connection. Users can access apps using devices-desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.


SAAS often allows users to personalize the app. Users can customize the app based on their preferences and business needs.

High Availability

SAAS providers often offer high availability and take various measures to minimize service interruptions. This helps users continuously access the app.


SAAS creates a scalable structure that can usually and quickly respond to the user increase. When needed, SAAS providers often automatically scale resources.
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