Analytics in Business

The modern business world needs people who know what to do during times of crises and who have just the right combination of analytical (and other) skills in order to fuel innovation. Cognitive technology has sent everyone in that world down a completely new path and analytics stands out in the competition. Analytics helps companies – especially those undergoing digital transformation – reach all of their savings and efficiency targets. The data it collects them helps them hone how they do business and tap into their true potential.

Here at SabancıDx, we’re on a mission to offer companies the long-term benefits of innovative digital ideas, and carry them into the future. As part of that, we’ve teamed up with in cooperation with Harvard Business Review Turkey to launch a new project, “Analytics in Business Insight Center. An archive of sorts, it contains research that exemplifies the importance of analytics, corporate data, and other content to anyone interested to better understand the “analytics of business.”

Look at tomorrow’s world through an analytical lens!

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